IT consulting

As an IT, EDP and TC system house, we are always at our customers' side. This begins with the analysis of requirements and the infrastructure currently in use and extends to the maintenance or complete operation of the components.

Based on the analyses, our competent consultants create a customer-specific concept that meets all the requirements that were previously defined and any new requirements that arise during the creation phase. Naturally, the concept development is open-ended and manufacturer-independent. In order to avoid problems during subsequent operation, the consultants always draw on the experience of our certified and experienced technicians.

Our consulting services are aimed at customers with and without their own IT expertise. Our consultants are available both for the full scope of the project and for a sub-area in which the customer's own specialist know-how is not sufficient. Our experienced team can cover the areas of IT strategy, IT processes, IT architecture and IT security.

All project-related aspects are examined and evaluated in detail as part of an inventory. This provides indications of possible weak points and hazards in the currently installed landscape. The knowledge gained in this way then leads to recommendations for action which, in consultation with the customer, lead to the solution of problems and the prevention of bottlenecks.

This enables our customers to assess the current situation, develop a suitable strategy and better estimate and plan the costs of operating their IT or TC landscape with high availability.

When implementing the solutions found, our offer ranges from the pure installation of software and hardware, any necessary migration of data to the new system and a rollout of the tested components through to the operation of the system by us on behalf of the customer. As part of this managed services agreement, our experts ensure the smooth operation and availability of our solutions over the entire product life cycle. Help and support for users during operation via remote maintenance, in person or by telephone are a matter of course for us.

Once the joint solution has been implemented, we also provide guidance and instruction for users in individual coaching sessions or in departmental or company seminars. The scope of these training sessions can range from an introduction to the general functionality to a journey into the depths of the configuration options. Depending on the customer's wishes, the training courses are held either on site or at our premises.

Specialists and managers are becoming increasingly mobile. Employees are increasingly working from home and are only in the company a few days a week. Smartphones and tablets are increasingly replacing the classic workstation computer or laptop. In this situation, data storage is becoming increasingly decentralized and the costs of synchronizing data are rising as a result. The options for counteracting the resulting increase in costs are, for example

  • Providing a central storage location that is accessible via the Internet or the company network and on which all users store their data.
  • The provision of individual, particularly heavily used applications or even an entire desktop via the network

    There are various concepts for a cloud solution from which you can choose, taking into account the legal and organizational framework conditions.However, there are many aspects to consider:
  • It is possible to maintain a private cloud in your own data center.
  • However, in the course of software changes and updates, the provider may also only provide cloud-based solutions. These must then be used in addition to the existing in-house cloud. This results in several individual clouds being used in the company - which stands in the way of the desired centralization of data storage.

We are happy to help our customers decide whether it makes sense to choose and implement a cloud concept and to what extent such a solution should be implemented.